Thursday, 11 June 2015

Making the most of our sunny evenings.

So after my blogpost on Sunday about our lovely day out enjoying some sunshine, we decided to head back to Polzeath to enjoy the sunset. Breaking Bad can wait for a rainy evening!
We decided we wanted to try & get some timelapse videos so we did a little test shoot as I haven't done a timelapse since college & they take some practice! We also took a few pictures on self timer which are always fun when you have to run to get into the picture within 10 seconds :')

Monday was another beautiful day & I had such a good day at work! You know its going to be a good week when your Monday starts off good! :) We decided to head out again Monday evening but this time to Rock. Again,we wanted to some timelapse shots & it was also nice just to have a walk around the sand dunes,beats sitting in front of the tv! We found an awesome spot in some sand dunes where we sat for a few hours taking photo's of the sunset. I had 'The Rosie Effect' in my bag as it is the book I am reading at the moment so I sat there watching the sunset,listening to the waves & watching the tide & boats come in whilst engrossed in my book. Such a perfect way to spend an evening! :) 
Keep your eyes out in the next few weeks for some timelapse videos & hopefully this weather continues! 

Who else has been reading 'The Rosie Project' books? I have fallen in love with Don & Rosie & I cant help but find myself laughing out loud whilst reading these books! 
Have any of you got any tips on timelapse photography? I'd love to see your videos too! :)

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