Wow,I won a Liebster Award after just a few short months of blogging! Thank you so much to Andie over at Andieology for nominating me,it has made my day! :)
The rules
1. Link back to the person that nominated you for the award
2. You must write 11 facts about yourself so people can learn more about you.
3. You also have to answer the 11 questions given by the nominator
4. After completing this, you should nominate 11 other bloggers that
have under 200 followers and then give them 11 questions of your choice.
However, you cannot nominate your nominator
5. You have to let your nominees know that they've been nominated and
give them access to the link to find out more about the award.
Eleven facts about me
1. I live in Plymouth but am moving to Wadebridge in a few weeks to live with my boyfriend!
2. I am a huuuuge McFly fan. GD
3. I have a National Diploma in Photography
4. I really want to visit New York around christmas time.
5.I love those icy cold sunny winter mornings.
6. I am a pretty boring person,why I made this blog I will never know ;)
7.I've hung out until 4am with McFly
8.I love scrap booking but never find the time to do it.
9. I always have an afternoon nap when I can!
10. I cannot make a decision,ever!
11. I don't drink tea or coffee.
Questions from Andie.
1. What made you start blogging in the first place?
I just wanted a place to document my life through pictures & words aswell as reviewing different products i've bought.
2. Where is your favourite place in the world?
I'd probably say home as there's no place like it.
3. What is your favourite TV show?
The Walking Dead.
4. What is the last movie you saw at the cinema?
The Fault In Our Stars which I bawled my eyes out at.
5. What is your favourite animal?
A Turtle.
6. What would be your ideal date?
A nice walk somewhere pretty where we then stop off in a local pub for some food.
7. What is the nicest present you've ever recieved?
Definitely my car!
8. If you were stuck on a desert island who would you like to be stuck with?
Danny Jones.
9. Can you play any instruments?
Does the triangle count?!
10. Who is your favourite fictional character?
At the moment,I'd say Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl.
11. What is your favourite clothing store?
Ooooh difficult one! I'm going to go with the store I have the most clothes from which would be probably New Look.
My 11 Nominees.
1- Rhi: Rhi'sAdultLife
2- Anya: iridescentattire
3- Rebecca: The Beauty Advisor
4- Yasmin: TwentyOnePress
5- Hayley: All She Wrote Was
6- Jess: LittleJessCat
7- Jill: Owlish Dreams
8- Nicola: Curly Red Hair Girl
9- Ciara: Marblmoon
10- Ella: EverythingElla
11- Emily: Good Girl Gone Brum
Please check these out they are some of my faves!
My Questions for you!
1- What is your favourite season & why?
2- Why did you decide to blog?
3- What are 5 things you have on your bucket list?
4- Describe yourself in one word
5- Where is your favourite place in the world?
6- What are your top 3 favourite films?
7- Where is your favourite place to eat out?
8- Which bloggers are you currently loving?
9- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
10- What is your dream job?
11- Your favourite clothes shop?
This was lot's of fun to do,thanks again Andie for my nomination! I just chose my favourite blogs who have under 200 followers, I hope you have fun answering my questions! :)

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